Ubuntu 8.10 Freezes After Login Screen
Filed under: Linux, ubuntu — Tags: 8.10, black, compiz, screen, tan, ubuntu — Benaiah @ 12:13 pm
Some integrated Intel graphics cards are having a hard time with the new Ubuntu 8.10 release. The symtom is that after the install you can’t get past the login screen. It accepts your login but instead of loading the desktop all you see is a black or tan screen (sometimes my mouse would move and other times it wouldn’t). This happens because the graphics card cannot handle the compiz special effects. To fix the problem you need to remove compiz. Here’s how:
1. From the Grub boot menu slect the “recovery mode” option.
2. Select “root Drop to root shell prompt”
Type the following at the prompt:
3. sudo apt-get remove compiz
4. sudo apt-get remove compiz-core
5. exit
6. Select “resume Resume normal boot”
You should now be up and running! If you want to try to use compiz later install it through the Synaptic Package Manager.