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Re: Audigy Sound Blaster (No Audio)
Quote:Originally Posted by studbucket View Post
Hi, I saw the other thread, unfortunately I can't find the Audigy Analog or Digital
Output Jack options anywhere in my sound control panels (Gnome).
I had this exact problem. First I used did "sudo asoundconf list" to list my soundcards
then "sudo asoundconf set-default-card Audigy" to set the default soundcard to
audigy. This didn't do the trick so I right clicked on the volume control icon in the
gnome system tray thingy (ya, whatever that is called up in the upper right corner),
then "open volume control" and under the "Switches" tab there is the option for
"Audigy Digital/Analog Output jack" which I turned off and my sound suddenly started
Alleen kan ik dit niet vinden in Xubuntu (werkt met xfce).