Bedankt voor de reactie
Die site had ik al gevonden en gevolgd.
Ik heb er met de hulp van die site ubuntu er op gekregen maar wil grub niet worden geinstalleren. Kan iemand ook uitleggen hoe dat komt
IK denk zelf dat het aan de verdeling ligt :
Kopie van
http://www.x95.us/winterm/941/iso.phpDebian Install: Partitioning Your Drives
Scroll down to IDE2 and press Enter. Select Yes on the Create new empty partition table screen and press Enter. You will see that the partition table for IDE2 has now been cleared. Scroll down to SCSI1 and repeat the previous step. Once completed you will see the partition table has been cleared for it (SCSI1) as well.
Scroll up to the entry marked FREE SPACE under IDE2 and press Enter. Select Create a new partition and press Enter. Use the default partition size and press Enter. Select Primary and press Enter. A new screen will appear asking you how to configure the partition. Scroll up to Use as: and press Enter. Select Ext2 file system and press Enter. Scroll down to Mount point: and press Enter. Select /boot - static files of the boot loader and press Enter. Scroll down to Mount options: and press Enter. Press the space bar next to noatime and press Enter. Scroll down to Bootable flag: and press Enter. Scroll down to Done setting up the partition and press Enter.
Scroll down to the next line with FREE SPACE under SCSI1 and press Enter. Select Create a new partition and press Enter. Select the default size and press Enter. Select Primary and press Enter. Scroll up to Use as: and press Enter. Select Ext2 file system and press Enter. If you see Format the partition listed here, press Enter to change it to yes, format it. Scroll down to Mount point: and press Enter. Select / - the root file system and press Enter. Scroll to Mount options: and press Enter. Press the space bar next to noatime followed by the Enter key. Scroll down to Done setting up the partition and press Enter.
Scroll down to Finish partitioning and write changes to disk and press Enter. You will be asked if you would like to return to the partitioning menu because you do not have any swap partitions; select No and press Enter. You will be asked to make changes to the partition tables; select Yes and press Enter.
Kan iemand dat ook bevestigen en mij met een goede verdeling helpen
Ik heb 1 usb van 1 gb en een IDE Flash Memory van 512 mb