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Auteur Topic: pkexec nautilus en pkexec doublecmd verschillende foutmeldingen  (gelezen 429 keer)

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Omdat gksu is verdwenen wil ik hiervoor in de plaats pkexec gebruiken.
Daarom heb  ik voor Nautilus de volgende policykit geïnstalleerd in /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE policyconfig PUBLIC
 "-//freedesktop//DTD PolicyKit Policy Configuration 1.0//EN"



 <action id="org.gnome.nautilus">
 <description>Run Nautilus as root</description>
 <description xml:lang="ar">تشغيل نوتيلوس كجذر</description>
 <description xml:lang="ast">Executar Nautilus como root</description>
 <description xml:lang="bg">Стартирай Nautilus като администратор</description>
 <description xml:lang="cs">Spustit Nautilus jako root</description>
 <description xml:lang="da">Kør Nautilus med rodrettigheder</description>
 <description xml:lang="de">Nautilus als Systemverwalter starten</description>
 <description xml:lang="el">Εκτέλεση Nautilus ως διαχειριστής</description>
 <description xml:lang="en_AU">Run Nautilus as root</description>
 <description xml:lang="es">Iniciar Nautilus como superusuario</description>
 <description xml:lang="fi">Käynnistä Nautilus pääkäyttäjän oikeuksin.</description>
 <description xml:lang="fr">Lancer Nautilus en tant que root</description>
 <description xml:lang="he">הרץ את Nautilus בתור שורש</description>
 <description xml:lang="hu">Nautilus futtatása rendszergazdaként</description>
 <description xml:lang="is">Keyra Nautilus sem kerfisstjóri (root)</description>
 <description xml:lang="it">Esegui Nautilus come amministratore</description>
 <description xml:lang="ja">root で Nautilus を起動</description>
 <description xml:lang="kk">Nautilus-ды әкімші ретінде орындау</description>
 <description xml:lang="ko">Root 권한으로 Nautilus 작동</description>
 <description xml:lang="ms">Jalankan Nautilus sebagai root</description>
 <description xml:lang="nb">Kjør Nautilus som root</description>
 <description xml:lang="nl">Nautilus draaien met rootbevoegdheid</description>
 <description xml:lang="pl">Uruchom Nautilus jako root</description>
 <description xml:lang="pt">Executar Nautilus como root</description>
 <description xml:lang="pt_BR">Rodar Nautilus como superusuário</description>
 <description xml:lang="ro">Pornește Nautilus ca root</description>
 <description xml:lang="ru">Запустить Nautilus от суперпользователя</description>
 <description xml:lang="sk">Spustiť Nautilus ako root</description>
 <description xml:lang="sr">Покрени Наутилус као роот</description>
 <description xml:lang="th">เรียกทำงาน Nautilus ในฐานะ root</description>
 <description xml:lang="tr">Nautilus'ı root olarak çalıştır</description>
 <description xml:lang="uk">Запустити Nautilus з правами суперкористувача</description>
 <description xml:lang="zh_CN">以 root 身份运行 Nautilus</description>
 <description xml:lang="zh_TW">以 root 身份執行 Nautilus</description>
 <message>Authentication is required to run Nautilus as root.</message>
 <message xml:lang="ast">Ríquese l'autenticación pa executar Nautilus como root.</message>
 <message xml:lang="bg">Изисква се удостоверяване за да стартирате Nautilus като администратор</message>
 <message xml:lang="cs">Pro spuštění aplikace Nautilus jako root se vyžaduje autentizace.</message>
 <message xml:lang="da">Der kræves godkendelse for at køre Nautilus som root.</message>
 <message xml:lang="de">Legitimierung wird benötigt, um Nautilus als Systemverwalter zu starten.</message>
 <message xml:lang="en_AU">Authentication is required to run Nautilus as root.</message>
 <message xml:lang="es">Es necesario autentificarse para iniciar Nautilus como superusuario.</message>
 <message xml:lang="fi">Jotta Nautilus voidaan käynnistää pääkäyttäjän oikeuksin, todennus tarvitaan.</message>
 <message xml:lang="fr">Une authentification est requise pour lancer Nautilus en tant que root.</message>
 <message xml:lang="he">נדרש אימות כדי להריץ את Nautilus בתור שורש.</message>
 <message xml:lang="hu">A Nautilus rendszergazdai futtatásához hitelesítés szükséges.</message>
 <message xml:lang="is">Auðkenningar er krafist til að keyra Nautilus sem kerfisstjóri (root)</message>
 <message xml:lang="it">Per eseguire Nautilus come amministratore è richiesta l'autenticazione</message>
 <message xml:lang="ja">root で Nautilus を起動するには認証が必要です。</message>
 <message xml:lang="kk">Nautilus-ды әкімші ретінде орындау үшін аутентификация керек.</message>
 <message xml:lang="ko">Root 권한으로 Nautilus를 작동하려면 인증이 필요합니다.</message>
 <message xml:lang="ms">Pengesahihan diperlukan untuk jalankan Nautilus sebagai root.</message>
 <message xml:lang="nb">Identitetsbekreftelse kreves for å kjøre Nautilus som root.</message>
 <message xml:lang="nl">Authenticatie is vereist om Nautilus met rootbevoegdheid te draaien.</message>
 <message xml:lang="pl">Wymagane jest uwierzytelnienie, aby uruchomić Nautilus w trybie administratora.</message>
 <message xml:lang="pt">Autenticação necessária para executar Nautilus como root.</message>
 <message xml:lang="pt_BR">Autenticação é requerida para rodar Nautilus como superusuário.</message>
 <message xml:lang="ro">Pentru a porni Nautilus ca root este nevoie de autentificare.</message>
 <message xml:lang="ru">Требуется аутентификация для запуска Nautilus от суперпользователя</message>
 <message xml:lang="sk">Na spustenie Nautilusu ako root je potrebná autentifikácia.</message>
 <message xml:lang="sr">Аутентификација је потребна за покретање Наутилус као роот</message>
 <message xml:lang="th">ต้องยืนยันตัวบุคคลก่อนเรียกทำงาน Nautilus ในฐานะ root</message>
 <message xml:lang="tr">Nautilus'ı root olarak çalıştırmak için kimlik doğrulaması gereklidir</message>
 <message xml:lang="uk">Вимагається розпізнавання для запуску Nautilus з правами суперкористувача.</message>
 <message xml:lang="zh_CN">以 root 身份运行 Nautilus 需要进行身份验证。</message>
 <message xml:lang="zh_TW">要以 root 身份執行 Nautilus 需要認證。</message>
 <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.path">/usr/bin/nautilus</annotate>
 <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.allow_gui">true</annotate>

Om nautilus te starten met root rechten type in de terminal:
pkexec nautilusNa het invoeren van mijn wachtwoord start Nautilus gewoon op.
In de terminal zie ik wel een aantal warnings:
sys:1: PyGIWarning: Nautilus was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Nautilus', '3.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.
Initializing nautilus-font-manager extension
Initializing nautilus-dropbox 2015.10.28

** (nautilus:494): WARNING **: 16:31:33.354: Unable to get contents of the bookmarks file: Error opening file /root/.gtk-bookmarks: No such file or directory

** (nautilus:494): WARNING **: 16:31:33.354: Unable to get contents of the bookmarks file: Error opening file /root/.gtk-bookmarks: No such file or directory

Voor Doublecommander heb  ik de volgende policykit geïnstalleerd in /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE policyconfig PUBLIC
 "-//freedesktop//DTD PolicyKit Policy Configuration 1.0//EN"


 <action id="org.gnome.doublecmd">
 <description>Run Double Commander as root</description>
 <description xml:lang="nl">Double Commander draaien met rootbevoegdheid</description>
 <message>Authentication is required to run Double Commander as root.</message>
 <message xml:lang="nl">Authenticatie is vereist om Double Commander met rootbevoegdheid te draaien.</message>
 <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.path">/usr/bin/doublecmd</annotate>
 <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.allow_gui">true</annotate>

Echter ook Doublecommander geeft een aantal zaken in de terminal:
Gtk-Message: 16:36:41.399: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Starting GuiMessageQueue
Starting Double Commander
Double Commander 0.8.2 beta
Revision: 8010
Build: 2018/03/07
Free Pascal: 3.0.4
Platform: x86_64-Linux-gtk2
System: Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
Desktop Environment: Unknown
Widgetset library: GTK 2.24.32
This program is free software released under terms of GNU GPL 2
(C)opyright 2006-2017 Alexander Koblov (
   and contributors (see about dialog)
Executable directory: /usr/lib/doublecmd/
Loading configuration from /root/.config/doublecmd/
Loading lng file: /usr/lib/doublecmd/language/
WDX: LOAD: /usr/lib/doublecmd/plugins/wdx/deb_wdx/deb_wdx.wdx
WDX: LOAD: /usr/lib/doublecmd/plugins/wdx/rpm_wdx/rpm_wdx.wdx
WDX: LOAD: /usr/lib/doublecmd/plugins/wdx/audioinfo/audioinfo.wdx
Error loading configuration file /root/.config/doublecmd/favoritetabs.xml
PollThread: Start polling
PollThread: AddPoll 9
Creating PixmapManager
Loading icon theme DCTheme
Loading icon theme DCTheme
Error: pixmap [/usr/lib/doublecmd/doublecmd] not loaded!
PollThread: AddPoll 13
UDev: Begin monitoring
Detecting mounts through /proc/self/mounts
PollThread: AddPoll 14
TColumnsFileView.Create components
Creating TFileSystemFileSource
TColumnsFileView.Create components
FileSystemWatcher thread starting
Error loading configuration file /root/.config/doublecmd/highlighters.xml

Kunnen deze waarschuwingen geen kwaad en zijn het dus gewoon wat kleine bugs die gemeld moeten worden?

p.s. pkexec gedit start wel in de terminal op zonder foutmeldingen.
Desktop Ubuntu 20.04 LTS en 22.04 LTS

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Re: pkexec nautilus en pkexec doublecmd verschillende foutmeldingen
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 2018/11/01, 19:38:13 »
Bij mij, met Mint 19 Cinnamon, precies hetzelfde en volgens mij was dat voorheen met gksudo ook zo.
Het werkt altijd gewoon goed, volgens mij kan het geen kwaad.