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Auteur Topic: install hulp gevraag van rivendellaudio  (gelezen 542 keer)

install hulp gevraag van rivendellaudio
« Gepost op: 2011/05/27, 11:21:04 »
kan iemand mij uitleggen hoe ik dit programma (rivendellaudio) kan draaien en of moet instellen in ubuntu 11.4
want ik ken een radio station die binnen kort gaat zenden met dit programma en ik ben daar ook dj
alvast bedankt

groeten reinier
waar windows falt is linux

Offline ThomasN

  • Lid
Re: install hulp gevraag van rivendellaudio
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 2011/05/27, 11:31:11 »
Ik ken het programma zelf niet, maar misschien heb je hier iets aan? (dit is wel in het Engels)

Als het radiostation waar je dj bent dit gebruikt, zou je ook kunnen vragen of er daar iemand werkt die je even kan helpen, als je er niet uitkomt.


Re: install hulp gevraag van rivendellaudio
« Reactie #2 Gepost op: 2011/05/27, 11:34:04 »
oke bedankt ik kan zelf niet Engels maar er zijn wel messen
die ik ken die Engels kunnen en het kunnen vertalen voor me

groeten reinier
waar windows falt is linux

Re: install hulp gevraag van rivendellaudio
« Reactie #3 Gepost op: 2011/05/27, 14:41:50 »
Installeren doe je zo:

Eerst de tarball uitpakken, Open Nautilus> Ga naar de map waar je het bestand hebt gedownload> Klik nu met de rechtermuisknop op het bestand kies uit het menu Hier uitpakken> Hierna staat er in de map waar de tarball staat een map met de naam van de tarball. > Open deze map daar staat een tekst bestand INSTALL, waar in staat beschreven hoe je verder moet.
Ik heb vast de tekst gekopieerd:
This is the installation file for the Rivendell package.

You will need the following installed and configured properly on your
system before building Rivendell:

Apache Web Server
Included with most distros, or available from:

A CD ripper engine.  Included in most distributions, but also available from

An audio metadata tag library.  Included in most distros, or available at

LibCurl, v7.19.0 or later
A client-side URL transfer library.  Included with most distros, or
available at:

A library for ripping audio CDs.  Included in most distributions, but also
available from

An audio file support library, written by Erik de Castro Lopo.  Included with
most distros, or you can find it at

mySQL Database Server
Included in most Linux distributions.  See

PAM Pluggable Authentication Modules
A suite of shared libraries that enable the local system administrator to
choose how applications authenticate users.  Included with virtually all modern
distros, or see

OggVorbis - Open Source Audio Coding Library.  Needed for OggVorbis
importing and exporting.  Included with most distros, or available at:

Qt Toolkit, v3.3 or better
Most modern Linux distros include this.  It's typically installed as part
of the KDE Desktop Environment, although KDE is by no means required.
It can also be downloaded directly from TrollTech (

Secret Rabbit Code
A sample-rate converter library, written by Erik de Castro Lopo.  Included
with most distros, or you can find it at

SoundTouch Audio Processing Library
A library for altering the pitch and/or tempo of digital audio data.
Available at

X11 Window System
Virtually all Linux distros should include this.

The following components are optional, but needed at build- and run- time in
order for particular features to work:

One or more audio driver libraries.  Choices are:

  AudioScience HPI Driver - v3.00 or greater.
  For supporting AudioScience's line of high-end professional audio adapters. 

  The JACK Audio Connection Kit
  A low latency audio server, designed from the ground up for
  professional audio work.  See
  Further information on running Rivendell with the JACK driver can be
  found in 'docs/JACK.txt'.

  The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) v1.0 or greater.
  The standard soundcard driver for Linux for kernels 2.6.x or later.

Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC), v1.2.x or greater
A "lossless" audio encoding library.  Included with most distros, or
available from:

GPIO Driver
A kernel driver for the line of data-acquisition boards from
MeasurementComputing.  See

LAME - MPEG Layer 3 Encoder Library.  Needed for MPEG Layer 3 exporting.
Available at

MAD - MPEG Audio Decoder Library.  Needed for MPEG importing and playout.
Available at

TwoLAME - MPEG Layer 2 Encoder Library.  Needed for MPEG Layer 2 exporting and
capture.  Available at

There are three major steps to getting a Rivendell system up and
running.  They are:

1)  Setting up pre-requisite software

2)  Installing the Rivendell package

3)  Initial configuration

1)  Setting Up Prerequisites

The major prerequisite piece of software needed for a functioning
Rivendell system is the mySQL database engine.  This needs to
be accessible from the target system (either by running on the local
host, or on a remote system) before Rivendell installation proper
is commenced.  In practice, this means that the 'mysqld' daemon is
running and can be connected to using the mysql(1) client.  You will
also need a login name/password for an account on the server with
administrative rights.

The process of configuring mySQL on a given host can be intricate and
is generally beyond the scope of this document.  Details can be found
in a number of books on the subject, as well as in the very extensive
documentation that accompanies the server itself.

If GPIO support is desired, this is also the time to install and test
the kernel GPIO driver. Full installation instructions as well as the
list of currently supported GPIO boards are included in the package.

2)  Installing the Rivendell Package

Once the prerequisites are set up, installation is most often a matter of
cd'ing to the top of the Rivendell source tree and typing
'./configure', 'make', followed (as root) by 'make install'.  Those
who obtained the source via CVS will need to do './' first.

The ./configure script will auto-detect what sound drivers (HPI, JACK
or ALSA) are available and enable build support accordingly.  To override
this behavior, it's possible to specify '--disable-hpi',
'--disable-jack' or '--disable-alsa' as an argument to './configure'.
Be sure to see the important additional information regarding
configuration in the 'docs/JACK.txt' or 'docs/ALSA.txt' files if you
plan on using those sound driver architectures.

Rivendell's web services components are installed in the directory specified
by the '--libexecdir=' parameter given to './configure' (default
'EPREFIX/bin').  The proper location will vary widely on different distros
according to how Apache is installed.  On SuSE (assuming the default setup),
the proper invocation is '--libexecdir=/srv/www/rd-bin'.  Additionally,
Apache itself must be configured to use the specified directory.  The
'./configure' script generates a configuration file snippet that can be
included into the Apache configuration to accomplish this in

3)  Initial Configuration

Next, you'll need to install a small configuration file at
'/etc/rd.conf'.  A sample can be found in 'conf/rd.conf-sample'.  Much
of this can be used unchanged, with the exception of the entries in the
[Identity] section.  These should be changed to reflect the user and group
name of the system accounts that will be running Rivendell.

The directory for the audio sample data next needs to be created, as

mkdir /var/snd

This directory should owned, readable, writable and searchable by the user
and group specified in the 'AudioOwner=' and 'AudioGroup=' entires in
'/etc/rd.conf' and readable and searchable by Others (mode 0775).

Finally, it's time to start things up.  Run 'rdadmin' from a shell
prompt.  For the first time startup, RDAdmin will prompt for a login
name/password on the mySQL server so that it can create the Rivendell
database.  To log into RDAdmin for the first time, enter a User Name of
'admin' with no password.

Much of the work in Rivendell gets done by three daemon processes,
named 'caed', 'ripcd' and 'rdcatchd'.  These daemons *must* be running
before attempting to start any of the Rivendell applications.  The
order in which they are started is important, and should be the same
as the order in which they are listed above.  For convienence, a Sys-V
style init script called 'rivendell' that can start, stop and restart
the daemons properly is installed in '/etc/init.d/'.
Mijn Engels is ook niet geweldig, maar aan het begin staan wat programma's die je eerst moet installeren voordat je Rivendall kan installeren.
Heb je deze geïnstalleerd kan je gaan installeren, dit gaat via de terminal, niet schrikken is echt niet moeilijk. Ik neem even de map Downloads als voorbeeld, staat de download bij jou in een andere map, vul je die naam in.. De terminal is hoofdletter gevoelig dus nauwkeurig de letters intypen.
Open een terminal (onder Hulpmiddelen) type achter de prompt (dit teken $) cd Downloads  en geef een ENTER
Nu verschijnt de prompt achter Downloads type nu cd rivendell-2.0.1 en geef een ENTER
Nu verschijnt de prompt achter rivendell-2.0.1
Nu gaan we installeren, zoals in het bestand INSTALL staat.
Type achter de prompt   ./configure     !!! let op de punt voor de slash En geef een ENTER. Er komt nu een hoop tekst voorbij, gewoon laten gaan, krijg je geen foutmeldingen en de prompt is er weer type je make en geef een ENTER
Als dit klaar is type je achter de prompt sudo make install  en geef een ENTER, nu moet je eerst je wachtwoord intypen, je ziet geen sterretjes, balletjes o.i.d, helemaal niets, gewoon intypen en geef een ENTER. Nu wordt het programma daadwerkelijk geïnstalleerd, sudo staat ervoor omdat je anders niets in het systeem mag installeren. Ik hoop dat het zo duidelijk is, anders schrijf je maar. :)

In der Beschränkung zeigt sich der Meister.